Deployed Contracts

We strongly believe in the future of open sourced code.

Hence, Nexus Protocol's smart contracts are open source and can be found here. Users will be able to access deployment scripts and instructions on how to execute them.

Contract Addresses

The core smart contracts of Nexus Protocol are deployed on the Terra blockchain, and can be found on the networks below:

bLUNA Vault Smart Contracts

These smart contracts enable the operations of our bLUNA vaults.

Core Contracts

bETH Vault Smart Contracts

These smart contracts enable the operations of our bETH vaults.

Core Contracts - Terra

wasAVAX Vault Smart Contracts

These smart contracts enable the operations of our wasAVAX vaults.

Core Contracts - Terra

bATOM Vault Smart Contracts

These smart contracts enable the operations of our bAtom vaults.

Core Contracts - Terra

Nexus Auto-compounder (cnAssets) Smart Contracts

These smart contracts enable the operations of Nexus auto-compounders.

Core Contracts - Terra

Core Contracts - Ethereum (Under Development)

ERC-20 Token Contracts (Under Development)

Last updated