Integrated Protocols

Nexus Protocol builds yield optimization strategies and offers these as 'deposit-'based products (i.e. vaults) to users. These products can be thought of as being built 'on-top' of other DeFi protocols, taking advantage of token incentives or other products administered by those protocols.

Terra Native Protocols

With the Terra blockchain as Nexus' 'homebase', many of our initial vaults will take advantage of yield opportunities found in the Terra DeFi ecosystem. Examples include the following:

Anchor Protocol

Anchor Protocol is a novel money-market protocol exclusively utilises native Proof-of-Stake assets as borrowing collateral which in combination with a dynamic interest rate charge to borrowers, goes to funding the Anchor Earn rate for UST depositors.

Our flagship bAsset vaults run a liquidation-protected and optimized strategy taking advantage of the yield from Anchor Earn and Anchor Borrow.

Mirror Protocol

Mirror Protocol is a fully decentralised synthetic asset creation and trading protocol allowing users to gain price exposure to 'real-world' assets on-chain. With the launch of Mirror v2, users are able to easily go Long or Short on real-world assets .

Our in-development UST vault executes a delta-neutral strategy on mAssets by farming MIR incentives on both the "Long" LP side and the "Short" farm side.

Cross-chain Opportunities

Nexus Protocol is actively assessing and battle-testing yield strategies that involve integration with DeFi protocols outside of Terra. If you are a project founder or community member looking for partnership opportunities, please to reach out to us on Discord!

Last updated